If you are a student having a hard time finding your course on Moodle follow these troubleshooting steps.
- Login to StormTrac to confirm you are enrolled in the course- There are multiple things you can check in StormTrac to confirm your course registration. Here are some guiding questions and things to check:
- Are you registered for the class? If the class appears on your student planning page in StormTrac, but not your course registrations, you may have missed a step during class registration. Contact your advisor.
- How is your financial aid/payment history? Check StormTrac to make sure your financial aid or personal payments have been applied to your tuition bill on time. You could have been dropped for non-payment. Depending on the circumstances/timing, you may be able to call Financial Aid or the Business office to fix the issue.
- Did you complete your Course Entry assignment by the due date? If not, you may have been dropped due to "non-attendance". This is a state rule. Most types of online courses require the submission of a Course Entry Quiz or activity in Moodle. Depending on the length of your course, this could be due just a day or two after the course start date or a more than a week into the course. Check your course schedule or email your teacher immediately if you are unsure about this due date or are struggling. If it is not completed on time, you will be dropped from the course. In an online course, the Course Entry quiz/activity submission is how your attendance is counted. Without a submission by the due date, it's like you didn't show up for your first day or week of class. Check your class registrations in StormTrac to make sure you were not dropped due to non-attendance. If you believe you were dropped by mistake, reach out to your instructor and/or advisor.
- Check your course start date - Courses become visible for you on Moodle on the first scheduled day of class.
- Filter your My Courses page on Moodle - Check the filter on your My Courses page in Moodle. If you are sorting by "Past" or "Future" courses you may not see your classes that are currently in progress. Check to make sure that your filter is set to show All so you can see all courses you have access to on Moodle, regardless of their start and end date (see screenshot below). If you still do not see your course you may have accidently hidden the course from yourself. You can use the search box to look for the course or check the Removed from View filter option (see screenshot below). Click the three dots to restore your course back to normal view.
- Reach out to your instructor - Instructors who are fixing an issue in a course may hide the course temporarily if needed. This is rare and they should send you (Davidson-Davie email) communication about this. If you have followed all the troubleshooting steps above and still do not see your course, email your instructor to let them know that you cannot see it.