This video covers features of the DocHub and Course Report pages in YuJa Panorama's platform


YuJa Panorama's DocHub is the main landing page for all of your digital content.  You can create folders, upload individual documents, sort, and organize your files all on one page of YuJa Panorama’s platform.  

You can access your DocHub two different ways: 

  1. Click on the YuJa Panorama URL (opens in a new tab) and enter your Davidson-Davie credentials. 
  2. Follow the steps from the "How to Downloadod the Panorama LTI into your Moodle Course" into at least one of your Moodle courses, and then click on the tool to take you directly to your Course Report page in the Panorama platform.  

How to Download the Panorama LTI into your Moodle Course 

Panorama Icon for Moodle: a light blue square with a white outline of a puzzle piece

Within your Moodle course: 

  1. Click Add an activity or resource
  2. In the All or Activities tab, search Panorama LTI 1.3
  3. You will be redirected to add the external tool by providing an activity name
  4. Save and display
  5. Make accessibility edits to individual documents

You can now click on your Panorama link to access the YuJa Panorama platform!

Features of the DocHub Page

To access the DubHub page, locate the paper icon located on the left-hand side on the navigation bar. 

YuJa Panorama's navigation bar with first feature, DocHub, highlighted in purple

DocHub enables you to: 

  1. Create folders
  2. Upload individual documents such as PPT, DOC, and PDF
  3. Sort your folders
  4. Click on the vertical ellipsis for a folder to View the individual files nested within or Delete the folder

DocHub landing page with the locations of the enabled features of DocHub from the list above the image marked.

With your individual files, hover your cursor over the file image to either View the accessibility report, Download, Share the file via email, or Delete the file. 

The menu for individual files accessed via the DocHub page.  The menu includes the option to view, download, share, or delete.

Creating Accessible Content in DocHub

Should you wish to view the accessibility report of your digital content, you will want to hover your cursor over the individual file and select View. This will open up the alternative formats and accessibility report menu.  Clicking on the accessibility report, you are able to make changes to flagged issues. 

For faculty and staff who plan to upload the digital content to Moodle, you will want to download the file from your DocHub rather than copy the original file from a prior Moodle course.  

Contacting Support

Should you have any questions or issues with Panorama, you can quickly contact support by clicking on your account profile located in the upper right-hand corner.  

Click on your profile icon in the upper right-hand corner (1), and then click on Support (2)

You can also explore YuJa Panorama's Support articles (opens in a new tab).

Backing Up your Files

YuJa Panorama is configured to keep all created digital content and their alternative formats for 12 months from the time they are scanned.  You are able to view the original scan date on your Course Report page.  Therefore, if you know you want to have the most accessible version of your media indefinitely, you will need to save your content elsewhere before the 12-month deadline.