YuJa has an app that you can download to your Apple or Android phone. This app allows users to record videos, upload videos from your phone to YuJa, access your videos, and access some videos from your classes.
Sign into the app
Once you download the free app, use the following instructions to sign in to your YuJa account.
Type “Davidson-Davie Community College” into the box for “organization”.
Use the drop-down box to choose the option for “Davidson-Davie Community College Single-Sign-On.
Use your Davidson-Davie SSO credentials to sign in.
Once you complete this step, you should be able to see your “My Media” page in the app.
Record a Video with the app
Click the plus (+) at the bottom of the screen to add media to your YuJa account.
Click “Record Content” to open the recording interface.
Now you’re ready to record and you have a few settings that you can use to set up your recording.
The icon that looks like a camera can be used to flip the camera so that it records you instead of what you are aiming at.
The red button in the middle is the button that starts the recording.
The default quality is 720p. If you tap the 720p, it will change to other levels of quality.
If you only want to record audio, not video, tap the word “audio”.
Start recording by hitting the red button. The circle will change to a square indicating that it is recording. When you are done, tap the square and you will be given the option to “Retake” or “Use” the video.
If you choose “Use”, you will be able to title the recording and choose a folder in which to store the recording within your YuJa video platform.
Upload videos from your Phone
If you record a video on your phone and want to upload it to YuJa, the app is an easy way to do that.
Click the plus (+) at the bottom of the screen to add media to your YuJa account.
Click “Upload from Library” or “Upload from Files” depending on where you’ve stored the video.
This will open your library or files respectively and you can select the video you want to upload.
Give the video a title and select a folder in which to store the recording within your YuJa video platform.
The channels option in the app will allow you to view certain videos from your classes if your instructor has posted videos to their course channel. Your instructor may or may not use this function. When you click on the Channels option at the bottom of the screen, you will see folders for classes that you are in and, if your instructor uses this function, clicking on the folder will give you access to class videos.