With a YuJa account, you can edit and caption videos that you’ve created. This tutorial will cover the basics. For more advanced editing features, see our other tutorial: Editing with YuJa (Advanced).


  • Go to your YuJa account and locate the video you want to edit.

  • Hover your mouse over the video and click on “Edit” in the menu that appears.

  • The editing screen will open in a new window.

The Yuja editing window with the features marked with numbers that correspond to the descriptions in the text.

  1. Cut - Use the scissors icon to cut or trim your video.

  2. Image Override - Use the icon that looks like a chart on a projector screen to insert an image or document that overrides the visual part of your video but not the audio. Accessibility note: If you use this feature, the information conveyed by the image also needs to be included verbally so that all students have equitable access to any meaningful information in the video.

  3. Text Overlay - Use the icon that looks like two A’s of different sizes to add text to your video. Accessibility note: If you use this feature, the information also needs to be included verbally so that all students have equitable access to any meaningful information in the video. 

  4. Captions - Select the Closed Caption (CC) icon to edit captions for accuracy. For specific directions on editing your captions, see our tutorial on Editing Captions in YuJa. Accessibility note: YuJa utilizes machine captioning so the captions may not be completely accurate. Take the time to edit them so that all students receive an equitable experience. 

  5. Save - When you are satisfied with your edits, you can save by clicking the word “Save” at the top of the screen. You will have the option to overwrite the original video or save the edited version separately. 

  6. Discard - If you change your mind about the edits, you can discard them by clicking “Discard” at the top of the screen. 


You can cut out mistakes in your video or trim blank space at the beginning or end of your video using the cutting tool.

  1. Drag the blue progress bar to the time where you’d like to start the cut.

  2. Click on the cutting tool (scissors icon).

 The icon for cutting and trimming a video.

  1. Place your mouse pointer where you want to cut. The area will become gray.

The video timeline in the editor with a gray area representing the portion to be cut.

  1. Click to set the area of the cut.

  2. You can drag the gray area to change the area of the cut or resize the cut. 

  3. Double click the gray area to bring up a box that allows you to enter specific timestamps for your cut.

  4. To delete the cut, click the X that appears in the top right corner of the box when you hover over it.

Text Overlay

  1. Drag the blue progress bar to the place on your timeline where you want the overlay.

  2. Select the text overlay button which looks like a box with the letter “A” in two sizes.

The icon for adding text to a video.

  1. In the dialog box that appears, type your text, set the font size, and set the duration.

The dialog box for adding text to your video and changing the font size and duration.

  1. Once you click “Apply”, you will see the text on the video and a box appears on your editing timeline to represent the overlay. 

The video timeline in the editor with a box representing the text overlay.

  1. You can double click on the box to reopen the dialog box and make changes to font size, duration, and wording.

  2. You can click and drag the text on the video to move it to a different place on the screen.

Image or Slide Override

You can add an image or slide that will override your video content (but not the audio) for a selected amount of time.

  1. Drag the blue progress bar to the place in the video where you would like to insert an image or slide.

  2. Select the image overlay icon which looks like a projection screen with a chart on it. 

  1. In the dialog box that opens, use “Select File” to open your files and choose the image or document you want to use.

The dialog box that shows the "Select file" option for slide overrides. It lists the types of file you can use: .ppt, .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .pdf, .jpg, .jpeg, .png

  1. Once you’ve selected a file, choose which video stream you want to overlay if you have multiple video streams and choose a duration.

The dialog box that allows creators to choose which video stream to override with a slide and set the duration of the override.

  1. Click Apply.

  2. You will see a new box on your timeline with the name of your media. You can click on this box to change the settings for this edit.

The video timeline in the editor with a box representing the slide override.

  1. Important: The image will not override the video until after you reprocess the video when you save your edits, so you won’t see it when you play the video on the editing screen.