Occasionally you may need to allow students re-attempt a quiz, have additional attempts or additional time on a quiz. Reset attempts deletes a previous quiz attempt while an Override can give students additional time or additional attempts. 


Reset Quiz Attempts

Occasionally you might want to reset a particular student's quiz attempt (for example, to allow them to re-attempt the quiz), or you might want to reset all attempts. Resetting deletes attempts and allows students to try again if they encounter an issue like lose of internet connection during a test. This method will delete a previous attempt and allow them to attempt again as long as the test is still available.  

How to Reset Quiz Attempts:

  1. On your course page, locate the quiz and click the Quiz name to open the quiz.

  2. On the Quiz summary page, select Attempts: #. The Attempts summary page will open.
  3. Select the check boxes next to the student(s) whose attempts you want to delete.
  4. Click Delete selected attempts.
  5. Your student should now be able to submit another attempt (unless the due date has passed)*

*If you also have date restrictions on the quiz that have already passed, it may be more useful to use an override to allow the student another attempt, more time, a date extension, etc.

Override Quiz settings for one or more students

Students with an accommodation or special circumstances may need more time during a quiz. To do this, it may be helpful to grant them an override in each Moodle quiz. Many other platforms like Pearson and McGraw Hill may allow this as well, but those settings will have to be set in that platform using their settings. See how to set an override for Moodle activities like quizzes below.  

Override Directions:

  1. In a quiz or another activity type, click More in the menu bar above the activity
  2. Then select Override (see screenshot below)
  3. In the drop down menu on the top left you can choose User Overrides or Group Overrides* (see screenshot below)
  4. Click the dark blue Add Override button
  5. Depending on the activity type, this will allow you to alter the following activity settings for the student or group selected, make sure to click Save when you are done. 
    • Open/Close date for activity
    • Time Limit (for things like timed quizzes)
    • Amount of attempts
    • Password required

*Group Override Tip: To use a group override, if you have many students with the same kind of accommodation, you will first need to create student groups. Check out our guide on creating groups in Moodle.   

Unlimited test time: If you have a student with unlimited quiz time and want to allow them to have unlimited testing time course-wide, please contact an administrator by emailing edtech@davidsondavie.edu Only unlimited time can be granted course-wide. If you student has an accommodation for a specific amount of time, like time and a half (1.5X test time) or double time (2X test time), you will need to use the override method above. 

View of the Overrides menu option under More inside of a Moodle Quiz

Toggle between User or Group overrides