How to Use Microsoft Journal on Windows Surface

Microsoft Journal is an app that you can use on the Surface tablets. This app does not require a login and allows you to use it as a digital notebook. It is best to not login to a Microsoft account or OneDrive as this can affect your ability in using the device.


Locating Microsoft Journal

  • Turn on you Surface pen by clicking the button on the side of it or tapping the tablet’s screen with the point of the pen.
  • You will see a pen icon appear in the bottom right corner on the toolbar of the tablet. Tap this to have app options that use the pen show.
  • Tap the app that looks like three sheets of paper with a pen writing on the top sheet. This opens Microsoft Journal.

    desktop screen with red arrows pointing to pen icon and Microsoft Journal icon

Tutorial Steps

When you open Microsoft Journal, it may walk you through some steps on how to use it. These steps will be listed here as well so you can always refer back to them or if they do not show when you open the app. There are also screenshots attached to this.

  1. Scratch out to erase
    1. Using your pen, you can scratch out your ink to erase it. Your ink will disappear after scratching it out.

      scratch out to erase instructions with demonstration of pen scratching out the word "hello"

  2. Lasso to select

    1. At any time, you can circle your ink to select it. Your ink will become highlighted after selecting it. No mode switch required!

      lasso to select instructions with demonstration of pen circling the text "circle this to select"

  3. Use your fingers

    1. Scroll between pages and drag selected objects around with your fingers!

      use your finger instructions with demonstration of a pointer finger moving the text "move this with your finger" down the screen

  4. Star your ideas

    1. Flag items by drawing a star next to them. Use “search” to find them later. After drawing this star, one will appear to the left of your writing.

      star your ideas instructions with demonstration of a pen drawing a star beside the text "flag this"

More Helpful Tools

After getting through the tutorial, you will find the “Journals” page. Here, you will find any journals you have worked on as well as the “Tips & Tricks with Journal.” This journal will show you more ways you can use your journal than the tutorial.

Tips and Tricks with Journal

  • Scroll through your pages by dragging the pages up and down with your finger. You are also able to do this with your mouse like you would a document.
  • Looking for a specific page? You can view a minimized version of all your pages on the left side of your screen  to skip to a page. Once you find the page you want to jump to, tap on it.

    screenshot of Microsoft Journal page from "Tips & Tricks" with pages on the left of the screen, pen options at the bottom, and pointer finger demonstrating that you drag the screen up to go down the page

  • Using your writing tools
    • At the bottom of the page you are writing on, you will see various writing tools. This includes a black pen, a blue pen, a pencil, a highlighter, eraser, ruler, a plus to insert images/PDFs, undo button, and redo button. Select the tool you want to use by tapping on it with your pen.
    • To change the preset options, tap on the small drop down arrow on the tool’s icon to select between a pen, pencil, and eraser. You can also change the size and color of the writing utensil.
    • You can also use the back end of your pen as an eraser to erase things on the journal.
  • Making headings
    • Underline your text to turn it into a heading. This will make it easier to find this section of writing as you can search for it later

      headings demonstration: "organize your notes with heading" is underlined followed by "Underline words to make a Heading." Below, "Sample Heading" is underlined as a demonstration with a text bubble explaining "try it! Underline this to make it a heading."

  • To navigate headings

    • Tap cues to select Smart Ink content. This includes your headings. Cues appears as an underlined “A” on the left side of your page.

    • Another way to navigate your headings is clicking the “cards” tab at the top left of the left panel. Here, selecting the underlined “A” will show you all of your headers and which pages they are on.

      screenshot explaining to navigate headings: tap the A icon for cues to quickly select Smart Ink content. Then tap the three horizontal lines to navigate by headings. This brings up the "Cards" menu on the left of the screen. You cn use the Panel to navigate, search, and filter.

  • The tips and tricks page does mention organizing notes around people, however this requires signing into Microsoft. Doing this will upset the tablet so we cannot use this feature.

  • Selecting things by tapping with a finger

    • Tap a word with your finger to select it. Tap a word with your finger to select it. Tap again to make a selection of the whole line. Tap one more time to select the entire page.

      Select things with taps. Finger tap a word to select it. Tap again to expand the selection. Finger is selected as a demonstration and has options copy, copy as text, scisors icon, trash icon, and magnifying glass icon above it. Text box: try it! Tap a word with your finger to select it. Tap the same word again to increase the selection.

  • Options to copy, paste, export, add a page, delete a page, and more

    • Tap the three vertical dots on the top right corner of the page you need to make changes to. Options include:

      • Copy page

      • Copy

      • Paste

      • Export

      • Print

      • Change page style…

      • Insert page above

      • Delete page

      • Clear page

      • Page language

      • Send feedback about page

  • Add Space

    • Tap your finger on a blank area. This gives you the option to choose to “add space” or “tear page.”

    • Add space allows you to drag a dotted line down the screen to increase space between things that are already written on the page. Dragging the line up removes space. Tear page makes the rest of the page blank and moves the material below to the next page.

  • Make a List

    • By writing a bulleted list, the software recognizes it as a list and allows you to select the items together as a group. You will see a box appear to the left of the page that looks like a bulleted list. By tapping this, the list will be selected and you will be given these options:

      • Copy

      • Copy as text

      • An icon of scissors meaning cut

      • An icon of a trash can meaning delete

      • An icon of a magnifying glass meaning search

      • An icon of three lines meaning the menu to the left will switch to the “cards” selection

        bulleted list "milk, bread, and cheese" selected by the bulleted list icon being selected. Options available: copy, copy as text, scissors icon, trash icon, magnifying glass icon, and navigation by cards icon

Reminder: do not sign into Microsoft/OneDrive. While this offers more features, It does affect your work sign in and you may have difficulties with the device.