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After you've used your temporary password to activate your StormTrac account, you will be redirected to update your password.

Screenshot of the Update your Password page.  You are asked to enter your current password, new password, and confirm new password.

1. Use your temporary password as your current password

Temporary Password:

  1. First two letters of your last name
  2. Capitalize the first letter
  3. lowercase the second letter
  4. Birthday: MMDDYYYY
  5. Example: Student Last Name Smith+Student Birthday (January 8, 1980)= Sm01081980

2. Create a New Password

What to include: 

  • At least eight characters
  • at least one number
  • At least one uppercase letter
  • At least one lowercase letter

What NOT to include: 

  • Your complete or part of your first name
  • Your complete or part of your last name
  • Your complete or part of your social security number
  • Your complete or part of your student Identification number

Tip for strengthening your password: 

  • Include a special character for additional length or replacing a letter
  • Example with no special characters: Stairway2Heaven
  • Example with special characters: Sea!rway2He@ven

3. Confirm your new password and click "Sign In."  You're all set!

You will confirm your new password by retyping your new password on the "confirm password" line.